5/15) Absence of orders


Sobibór genocide ordered on a bench

"To explain the lack of documentation, Hilberg claims that the extermination orders were given verbally. For example, he claims that Odilo Globocnik, the SS commander of the Lublin district police, gave genocidal instructions to Sobibór's commander, Franz Stangl, on a park bench. Its source is Gitta Sereny's book, Deep in the Darkness, whose total uselessness is known to all who know it."

-Jürgen Graf


5) Absence of orders

No order has ever been found authorising the mass murder of European Jews.

Raul Hilberg was forced to admit: "No Hitlerian order" and "no plan".

In 1961, Raul Hilberg, the first of the "Holocaust" historians, "the pope" of exterminationist science, published the first version of his major work, The Destruction of the Jews of Europe. In it he expressed the following thesis in a doctoral manner: Hitler gave orders for an organised massacre of the Jews and everything was explained as coming from one way or another of these orders. This way of exposing the merchandise was to end in a fiasco. As the revisionists asked to see Hitler's orders, Hilberg was forced to admit that they had never existed.


Hilberg at the Zundel trial in 1985.

Walter Laqueur acknowledges :

"To this day, no written order from Hitler concerning the destruction of the European Jewish community has been found and, in all probability, this order was never given."

Colin Cross admits :

"So there is nothing resembling a written order signed by him for the extermination of the Jews in Europe."

Christian Zentner admits:

"One cannot fix the exact moment when Hitler gave the order ... it was probably never established in writing ... to exterminate the Jews."

Saul Friedländer admits :

"It is not clear when the idea of the physical extermination of the Jews came to Hitler's mind."

  Joachim Fest recognises : 

"Until today, the question of when Hitler made the decision for the Final Solution of the Jewish question is still pending, and for the simple reason that there is not a single document on the subject."

After insinuating that "it was Adolf Hitler himself who probably signed the death sentence on the Jews of Europe", the Holocaust historian Leon Poliakov, in his book The Hate Breviary, Calmann-Lévy, 1974 [1951], p. 171), admits that no documents confirming a policy of extermination have been found. He expresses himself as follows:

"The three or four people mainly involved in the elaboration of the total extermination plan died and no documents have survived; perhaps none ever existed."

The implications of this statement are clear. The vague reference to "three or four people" indicates that the alleged plan is in fact a nebulous assumption on the part of the author.

Generally speaking, the total absence of evidence allows official historians to give free rein to the most diverse speculations.

No one has been able to prove the existence of a single order to exterminate the Jews; attempts to present us with orders written by Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich or others in "coded" or "to be decoded" language have failed.

The reality, confirmed by documents, is that the Third Reich did not seek "the final solution of the Jewish question" but "a final territorial solution of the Jewish question".

Robert Faurisson :

"After a preliminary investigation into the possibilities of setting up a Jewish home either in Palestine or in Madagascar, these two solutions had been rejected. The real solution would have to be sought after the war. In the meantime, European Jews should be treated as a hostile or possibly hostile minority. A majority of them should be concentrated either in ghettos or in forced labour or concentration camps.

The "Final Solution" Hitler had in mind for the post-war period was "territorial" ("Eine Territorial Endlösung der Judenfrage"), as the "Wannsee Protocol" and related documents attest."



The final proof: lack of order

From a German point of view, it is the lack of order that signals the absolute impossibility of the Holocaust.


Robert Faurisson :

"At the Wannsee meeting, Heydrich gathered fourteen and not sixteen senior officials and told them of his intention to proceed to the final solution of the Jewish question by evacuating (i.e. deporting) the Jews to the East. Those who could be assigned to work would be forced to do so, with separation of the sexes (as in any prison or camp). The Jews who would survive this ordeal would be released after the war and would constitute the germinating cell of a Jewish revival. This is the essence of this text. 

Even in Germany and until the end of the war (May 1945), there remained Jews as such, not clandestine, and millions of European Jews survived the war."

The Himmler - Musy meeting

Robert Faurisson :

"On 15 January 1945 Heinrich Himmler met in Bad Wildbad, in the Black Forest, the Swiss Jean Marie Musy, former president of the Swiss Confederation, who had come on behalf of the Americans to discuss once again "the improvement of the fate of the Jews". The negotiations have already had their effect on one point; until then, Jews, like everyone else, were sometimes assigned to the hardest jobs, but now they have been granted the privilege of no longer being assigned to "hard work" but only to "normal work". In a note devoted to this meeting H. Himmler comes to write:

"Just as every immigrant to the United States has to pay a thousand dollars, so every emigrant leaving the German sovereign domain will also have to pay a thousand dollars".

"It must be excluded that the Jews we let out of Switzerland can never be sent back to Palestine. We know that the Arabs, just as much as we Germans do, refuse the Jews and we do not want to lend ourselves to such an indecency as sending new Jews to this poor people martyred by the Jews".

"Many other documents and facts attest to the fact that the Third Reich aspired to the expulsion of Jews from continental Europe and not to their extermination."



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